Saya Ditag | Masa Utk Tag

hye nk tag mngtag plok..actually rmai yg tag tpi nth post2 lme ta publish masa tuk tag la kn da bosan so tag2 je la..

1 . you must post these rules !
2 . each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
3 . answer the question tagger set fer you in their post
4 . create 11 new question fer the peolple you've tagged to answer .
5 . you have to tag 11 people and put their link in the entry
6 . go to their page and tell them you have tagged them
7 . no tag back
8 . you should tag 11 people ! (?)

ok..ain ditag oleh cik kne la jwb en en.. 
ok soalan beliau,,,,

1. target nak kahwin bila ??
2. kalau ada RM1 antara ni mana satu korang pilih , air , roti 60sen , gulagula
of cuz air
3. phone , lappy , ipad which one ??
klu ley nk semua tpi ain nk ipad
4. universiti idaman ?? and kenapa ?? *malaysia sahaja
UPM..universiti putra malaysia..hehe
5. boyfriend yang hensem tak berapa kaya vs. tak hensem tapi kaya . mana satu ??
bf yg hensem ta berapa kya
6. kawan yang paling kau benci ??
7. ada fobia ?? mari share . kenapa korang fobia ?
ta de
8. blog paling menarik ?
blog cik lyssa
9. impian yang belum tercapai ?
jumpa artis,g luar negara..hehe
10. hadiah yang paling korang nak ?
11. any comment pasal blog sye ??
blog kmu okie je but post entry tu jgn transparent ek..jd cm serabut nk bca,,^^

okie soalan ain utk sobat2 blogger yg bakal ditag~~

1.klu ain bg lappy agk2nye korng nk ta ?
2.negeri mna yg korng ta prnh lawat ? BF/GF ? ain ni best ta ?
5.mne stu ek nk gna utk uat doodle yg cun ? photoshop ? paint tool sai ? picnik ?
6.korng cyunk family ta ?
7.solat tiang agama tol ke ta ?
8.kerja ke skolah ?
9.suka kucing ta ?
10.nma manja korng ap ?
11.ap impian korng ?

pnt den pkir soalan2 nieee..hehehe..

nk tag kt,,,

so sp ekne tag tuh jwb eh..

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